Soil Mechanics MCQ Paper-1 Welcome to your soilmechanicsmcqpaper-1 1. Valid range for S, the degree of saturation of soil in percentage is S>0 Sâ€0 0 < S < 100 0 †S †100 None 2. A hydrometer is used to measure Velocity of fluid Velocity of gases Flow of fluid Specific gravity of liquids None 3. If plasticity index of a soil mass is zero, the soil is clay Clayey silt sand silt None 4. Soil transported by wind is called Aeolian soil Alluvial soil Marine soil Lacustrine soil None 5. The effective size of particles of soil is denoted by D10 D20 D30 D60 None 6. Clay is generally Cohesive Permeable Having large particle size None of the above None 7. Optimum moisture content is obtained from Triaxial test Standard proctor test Consolidation test Hydrometer test None 8. Physical properties which influence permeability are Viscosity only Unit weight only both viscosity and unit weight None of the above None 9. If the specific gravity of the soil is represented by 'G' and the void ratio is 'e', the hydraulic gradient 'i' is expressed as (G-1)/(1+e) (G+1)/(1-e) (1-G)/(1+e) (1+G)/(1+e) None 10. For routine consolidation test in laboratory, the thickness of the specimen is 10 mm 20 mm 40 mm 60 mm None 11. The triaxial test is usually carried out as Unconsolidated undrained test Consolidated undrained test Drained test All of the above None 12. Coefficient of active earth pressure for cohesion less soil is given by (1+sinĂ)/(1-sinĂ) (1-sinĂ)/(1+sinĂ) (1+tanĂ)/(1-tanĂ) (1+cosĂ)/(1-cosĂ) None 13. Standard penetration resistance (N) in very stiff clays lies between 2-4 4-8 8-15 15-30 None 14. A raft foundation is provided if its area exceeds the plan area of the building by 10% 20% 30% 50% None 15. The lime stabilization is very effective in testing Sandy soil Silty soil Non-plastic soil Plastic clayey soil None 16. What would be the void ratio of the soil mass, of the porosity of a soil mass is 0.35 0.26 0.35 0.54 0.6 None 17. The __________ soil transported by the gravitational forces Alluvial soil Colluvial soil Loess Till None 18. Which of the following is determined with the help of pycnometer dry density and specific gravity void ratio and dry density water content and specific gravity water content and void ratio None 19. Who is known as the father of soil mechanics MS Dhoni Karl Von Terzaghi Casegrande Atterberg None 20. In oven drying method, the soil sample is kept in the oven for a period about 12 hours 48 hours 24 hours 36 hours None 1 out of 4 Time’s up