Building Materials MCQ Paper-1 Welcome to your buildingmaterialsmcqpaper-1 1. Chemically, marble is known as Metamorphic rock Argillaceous rock Calcareous rock Silicious rock None 2. A stone is rejected if it absorbs water more than 5% 10% 20% 25% None 3. The standard size of modular brick is 18 cm x 18 cm x18 cm 19 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm 20 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm 21 cm x 11 cm x 11 cm None 4. Clay and silt content in a good brick earth should be at least 20% 50% 35% 70% None 5. Crushing strength of first class bricks should not be less than 35 kg/cm^2 70 kg/cm^2 100 kg/cm^2 150 kg/cm^2 None 6. The major ingredient of Portland cement are Lime and Silica Lime and Alumina Silica and Alumina Lime and Iron None 7. The lime mortar is made by Quick lime Fat lime Hydraulic lime White lime None 8. The proper size of mould for testing compressive strength of cement is 7.05 cm 10.05 cm 10 cm 15 cm None 9. Oleic acid may be used in the manufacturing of White cement Hydrophobic cement Anti-bacterial cement Portland Pozzolana cement None 10. Good quality sand is never obtained from River Nala Sea Gravel powder None 11. The flaky aggregate is said to be elongated if its length is Equal to the mean size Twice the mean size Thrice the mean size Four times the mean size None 12. Plywood is made from Common timber Bamboo fibre Teak wood only Asbestos sheet None 13. Generally wooden mould are made from Plywood Shisham wood Deodar wood Teak wood None 14. The seasoning of timber is required for Soften the timber Harden the timber Strengthen the timber Remove sap from the timber None 15. In paints, the pigment is responsible for Durability Colour Smoothness Glassy face None 16. Putty is made up of Red lead and Linseed oil Zinc oxide and boiled linseed oil White lead and turpentine Powdered chalk and raw linseed oil None 17. Distempers are generally used to coat Compound wall External concrete surface Interior surface which are not exposed to environment Wood works None 18. Which of the following test is used for the bitumen Slump test Abrasion test Penetration test Fineness test None 19. The compressive strength (N/mm^2) of thermocol ranges between 2.0 to 5.5 5.5 to 10.6 11.7 to 14.4 15.0 to 17.5 None 20. What is the content of carbon in pig iron 5% to 8% 0.5% to 2.5% 0.002% to 0.1% 3% to 4% None 1 out of 4 Time’s up