Building Materials MCQ Paper-2 Welcome to your buildingmaterialsmcqpaper-2 1. Plaster of Paris is obtained by calcining Bauxite Gypsum Kankar Limestone None 2. Out of the following, which may be termed as an unstratified rock Sandstone Limestone Marble Slate None 3. Hardness of the rock can be tested in situ using Smith’s test Schmidth hammer test Acid test Crystallization test None 4. Unit weight of brick work is about 17-18 KN/m^3 18-19 KN/m^3 19-20 KN/m^3 20-21 KN/m^3 None 5. The water absorption for good brick should not be more than 10% of its dry weight 15% of its dry weight 10% of its saturated weight 15% of its saturated weight None 6. The increased rate of strength gain of rapid hardening cement is achieved by Higher content of C3S Higher content of C3A Higher content of C4AF Higher content of C2S None 7. The commonly used lime in white washing is Quick lime Fat lime Lean lime Hydraulic lime None 8. Le-Chatelier's method can be used to determine Fineness of cement Fineness of aggregate Soundness of cement Compressive strength of cement None 9. For Portland cement of 43 grades, 28 day mean compressive strength should exceed 43 MPa 43.5 MPa 33 MPa 38.5 MPa None 10. Los Angeles machine is used to test the aggregate for Crushing strength Impact value Abrasion resistance Water absorption None 11. Bulking of sand is Less in Fine sand More in coarse sand More in medium sand More in fine sand None 12. If fineness modulus of sand is 2.5, it is graded as Very fine sand Fine sand Medium sand Coarse sand None 13. The hardwood is produced by which of the following trees Chir Kail Pine Shishum None 14. Which of the following treatment is used to make the timber fire resistant Abel’s process Empty cell process Envelope treatment Tarring None 15. The decomposition of felled timber caused by fungal attack is known as Dry rot Foxiness Upset Wet rot None 16. The commonly used thinner in oil paints is Naptha Turpentine Both Naptha and Turpentine None of these None 17. The base material for distemper is Chalk Lime Clay Lime putty None 18. The most commonly used base for iron and steel work is Zinc white White lead Red lead None of the above None 19. The ultimate tensile strength of the structural mild steel is 160 N/mm^2 260 N/mm^2 420 N/mm^2 520 N/mm^2 None 20. Bitumen is generally obtained from Organic material Synthetic material Petroleum product Coal None 1 out of 4 Time’s up