Surveying MCQ Paper-3 Welcome to your surveyingmcqpaper-3 1. What is the difference between the sum if interior angles of plane triangle and spherical triangle for area of triangle 195 sq. kilometer on the earth's surface one degree one minute one second one radian None 2. Which one is the upper limit of survey area (square kilometer) for use of plane survey 250 300 350 450 None 3. Which one is the smallest scale 1:100 1:500 1:1000 1:2500 None 4. A line joining some fixed points on the main survey lines is called Check line Tie line Chain line Base line None 5. number of links in a 30 m metric chain is 100 150 180 200 None 6. An azimuth is a True bearing Magnetic mearing Arbitary bearing None of the above None 7. If the end points of a line are free from local attraction, the difference between fore bearing and back bearing of that line should be 180 degree 120 degree 360 degree 90 degree None 8. Calculate the reduced bearing of a line if its whole circle bearing is 130⁰ 50⁰ N130⁰E S50⁰E S40⁰W None 9. The multiplying constant of a theodolite is f + d (f/d) + i (f/d) + d f/i None 10. The 'scale plate' of a theodolite is The upper plate The lower pate Both the above None of the above None 11. The least count of a vernier theodolite is 1⁰ 2′ 2” 20” None 12. If in a closed traverse, the sum of the north latitude is more than the sum of the south latitudes and also the sum of the west departure is more than the sum of east departure, the bearing of the closing line is in the South-East quadrant North-East quadrant North-West quadrant South-West quadrant None 13. Which of the following test is used to make the horizontal axis perpendicular to the vertical axis Azimuth test Cross hair ring test Spire test Vertical arc test None 14. If 'R' is the horizontal distance and 'd' is the diameter of the earth, then usually the correction due to curvature in levelling is given by d^3/2R d^2/2R d^4/R d^2/2R None 15. The degree of a curve for a 30 m chain is 1718.9 x R 1718.9/R 1145.9/R 1145.92 x R None 16. If the formation level of a highway a uniform gradient for a particular length and the ground is also having a longitudinal slope, the earthwork may be calculated by Mid-section formula Trapezoidal formula Prismoidal formula All options are correct None 17. The instrument used for accurate centering in plane table surveying is Spirit level Alidade Plumbing fork Trough compass None 18. A series of closely spaced contour lines represents a steep slope Gentle slope uniform slope plane slope None 19. Which method of contouring is most suitable for hilly terrains cross section method direct method Square method Tacheometric method None 20. Which of the following quantity is measured using planimeter Area Bar diameter Volume Weight None 1 out of 4 Time’s up