Video games may cause permanent hearing loss of Millions 

Gaming is a major part of the video game experience and can cause permanent hearing damage.

Studies on the relationship between hearing loss and/or tinnitus and video games have been conducted on 14 unique papers from 9 different countries.

The research spans a variety of gaming circumstances, including home computers and consoles, mobile games, gaming centers, and eSports.

The loudness and exposure time factor into the impact noise can have on the ears, with safe exposure time dropping drastically as sound intensity increases.

The average headphone volume in four shooting games was 88.5 to 91.2dB, and impulse sounds can peak at 119dB.

Two studies found that over 10 million Americans may be exposed to 'loud' or'very loud' sound levels from video games, and another reported that gaming use increased the odds of self-reported hearing loss severity.

Gamers who are listening at high-intensity sound levels and for long periods of time may be at risk of permanent sound-induced hearing loss.

The findings suggest a need for interventions to promote safe listening among gamers.



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