Environment Health Safety Procedure

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Today I am going to explain about the Environment Health Safety Procedure. So read this post carefully so that you can take maximum advantage of it.

Environment Health Safety Procedure

Safety Committee :

Safety Committee is formed at a site whose function is to troubleshoot safety problems and conduct a weekly safety walk down. Not more than five to six members would be in the committee and they are mainly section in charges.

Safe Work Method :

A written Safe Work Method for a job is prepared by the Safety Personnel in consultation with the concerned engineers. The Work Method helps to foresee the risk involved in the job, take precautionary action for the risk involved and plan the materials required for the safety cause. The safe work method is methodically done as followed:

  1. Approach Safety.
  2. Work Method Safety.
  3. Work area Safety.
  4. Men Material and Machinery.

On receiving the safe work method, the line engineers brief it to their subordinates and implement them.

Safety Meeting :

Safety meetings shall be held once in a week for staff and sub-contractors representatives. The meeting is convened by the safety engineer and chaired by the project manager/site superintendent. Minutes of the meeting are minuted in L&T’s Safety Meeting Format. Copies are sent to GM/ DGM/ RSC, PM/ Site staff, once in a fortnight.

Screening System :

All workmen before deploying at the site shall be screened by the site in-charge / engineer and safety engineer.

Orientation :

Orientation on safety is given to the new staff and workmen before they go to work place.

Training :

Training programmes conducted by the Safety engineer for staff and workmen

  • General Safety
  • Safety in Welding & Gas Cutting Operation
  • Material Handling
  • Fire Safety
  • Working at Heights
  • Electrical Safety
  • Work Permit systems
  • Personnel Protective Equipments & Job based training programmes

Safety Inspection :

Daily Safety Inspection is conducted by a safety engineer. Weekly Safety Inspection by the safety committee and the findings are minuted.

Tool Box Meeting / Safety Task Assignment (STA) :

Toolbox meeting is conducted every day by gathering the workmen before starting the job. Concerned engineer talks for 5 to 10 minutes on Safety to the workmen. In Tool Box Meeting, general safety, case studies or job knowledge is imparted to the workmen.

STA is conducted whenever a new activity is taken up and the concerned engineer details the workmen the safe work method to carry out the job. This safety procedure helps to keep the safety consciousness among the workmen at a constant level.

Ladder Inspection :

The ladders used in the site are numbered and inspected once in a month. The inspection is recorded in a register.

Scaffolding :

Scaffolding is erected by an experienced scaffolder and under the supervision of a competent authority. The tag system shall be followed to indicate whether the scaffold is permitted to use or not. A red tag indicates, only scaffolders are allowed to work on it and the scaffold is not ready to use. The green tag indicates the scaffold is for use by all.

Wire ropes, Tools & Tackles inspection :

A competent person identified at the site first inspects the above materials. The said materials are coded and coloured to indicate whether they are good for use. Visual Inspection is carried out once in a month and recorded the findings.

Electrical Inspection :

Monthly Inspection is done for the total electrical installation at the site and recorded.

Equipment fitness certificate :

Any equipment arriving at the site is inspected and authorized by the P & M engineer and safety engineer on its fitness to use. Based on their recommendation the equipment is deployed/rejected/used after a minor repair. The inspection is recorded.

Fire Safety :

  1. Once in three months the fire extinguishers installed in the site premises shall be maintained and recorded in a register.
  2. A monthly inspection shall be conducted for the smoke detectors in the Porto cabin / Site Office, to ensure its working condition.

Work Permit System :

All the relevant work permit systems shall be followed as per L&T / Client’s procedure. viz,

  1. Excavation Permit.
  2. Electrical work Permit.
  3. Confined space entry permit. Etc.

Accident Reports, Investigation and Analysis:

  • All minor injuries should be brought to the notice of the Site management and recorded.
  • Lost Time Accidents, fatal accident, vehicle accident or damage to L&T plants, facilities or equipment should be reported to the site management. The contact phone nos. is given in the Emergency Response Program. Subsequently, reports of the accident shall be given in the L&T format.
  • All accidents and near misses shall be investigated by the Safety engineer & Safety committee of the site and recorded.

Safety Motivations :

The company has the following reward schemes to encourage the employees to follow safety.

  1. Million Safe Manhours: The Jobsite which achieves One million safe man-hours or more a certificate of merit is given to the Jobsite signed by the President of the company.
  2. Annual Safety Award: Given to the Best Safety performed Jobsite in the Company as a whole.
  3. Best safety workman: This is given at the site level on a monthly basis. The site safety committee selects the most safety-conscious workman among the workforce, for the month and rewards him


  1. a) First Aid: First Aid Facility to be available in accordance with the L&T policy requirement. It is the intent of the L&T management that the project is self-sufficient in terms of dealing with minor first aid injuries and medical requirements. In the event of a Serious Injury or an individual requiring professional medical advice and care, they are referred immediately to the local hospital.
  2. b) Sanitary Facilities: Adequate sanitary facilities are provided for the number of personnel present at the site. The administration department will maintain it in hygienic conditions.
  3. c) Working hours: Working hours may vary due to time of year and particular peak workloads. In general, work will be restricted to a ten hours day with a one-hour lunch break. Working on Fridays, the normal rest day is discouraged but may be required from time to time. Welfare facilities encompass both the site facilities and those of the company accommodation.
I hope you find this information useful. If there is something that I have missed or I do not know, you can comment and tell me which I will try to rectify as soon as possible.
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