To convert sand from cubic feet (CFT) to kilograms (KG), you’ll need to know the density. The density can vary depending on its composition and moisture content.
Converting sand measurements from cubic feet (CFT) to kilograms (KG) is important for several reasons, particularly when it comes to construction, engineering, and various industrial applications. This conversion allows for accurate material estimation, efficient project planning, and ensuring the structural integrity of the final product.
The density is typically measured in kilograms per cubic meter (KG/CUM). As mentioned earlier, the density of material can vary depending on its composition and moisture content. Here are some approximate density values for different types of sand in kilograms per cubic meter:

- Dry: Approximately 1,600 kg/cum
- Wet: Approximately 1,920 to 2,080 kg/cum
- Fine: Approximately 1,440 to 1,600 kg/cum
These values are approximate and can vary depending on the specific characteristics. If you need a more precise density value, it’s recommended to conduct a laboratory test or use the specific density provided by a reliable source for the particular type.
Step by Step Sand Quantity Conversion from CFT to KG
First of all, we know that,
1 m³ = 35.3147 Cubic Feet ………….. (i)
The density of Sand = 1600 kg/m³,
That means, 1 m³ = 1600 kg …………… (ii)
Now, from equation (i) and (ii), we get
35.3147 Cubic Feet = 1600 kg
Or, 1 Cubic Feet = (1600/35.3147) KG
Or, 1 CFT (Cubic Feet) = 45 KG
If you want detailed knowledge then watch Learning Civil Technology video On YouTube Channel. I am saying this because a lot of significant points were covered during the making of this video.
Source: Learning Civil Technology
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