In this post, we will learn about the Flowchart For Aluform Work At Site.

Flowchart For Aluform Work At Site
1. Receive Aluform materials.
1a. Packing list, BOQ, and Formwork layout.
1b. Tools.
1c. Additional accessories.
2. Visual inspection.
2a. Packing list & schemes.
2b. Acceptance criteria.
3. Inform concern for any defects.
3a. Details of the report.
4. Collect modification details.
4a. Fabrication drawings.
5. Stock the material as per packing list.
6. Room wise segregation.
7. Dry mock-up.
7a. Schemes.
8. Room wise numbering for identification.
9. Dismantling of mock-up.
10. Setting out.
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- Grades of Concrete as per IS 456 : 2000
- Flowchart For Aluform Work At Site
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11. Shift to the work location.
12. Shift to the stockyard.
13. Actual assembly at work location.
14. Slab rebars & M&E works.
15. Final checking (Pre pour check)
15a. Checklist.
16. Concreting.
16a. Pour card.
17. Post pour check.
18. Levelling and finishing.
19. De-shuttering.
19a. Removing pins and wedges.
19b. Removing wall ties.
19c. Removal of wall panels.
19d. removal of deck panels.
20. Cleaning of panels.
21. Fixing of working platforms with brackets.
22. Erection of safety posts/rails.
23. Applying form release agent.
what is the use of this chart
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